online things
Messages, social media posts and dm's
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Messages, social media posts and dm's
Last updated
You can help by
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(or just using the hashtag #shareyourstory anywhere, how ever you'd like)
You can't control the internet, but it'd be nice if we could all be kind.
Meme magic is powerful and I'd love thinking we could direct it into something beautiful that brings people together.
There's a short ethos at, which basically says
hey yeah the coomer meme is funny
but ego-escalation co-opted it before; honestly a shame
so if you're like that you'll get 😑'd and unironically called cringe.
bro just don't take life so seriously and slow down your thought speed, wagmi Cultivate loving kindness x
Check out more memes at
ok so on the easypeasy discord (different discord from above) you can get ranks for doing different things
have fun!