doing things in real life
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you: hey grandma, can I come over and borrow your printer?
grandma: "of course! that'd be lovely. what are you printing out?"
you: it's just an internet thing. we're trying to help people and put posters up for stuff
[you go over to your grandparents house, where they are excited to see you]
[you have a nice chat with your grandparents]
grandma: "so what's this thing that you're printing out again?"
you: yeah it's for an online challenge. yeah look I know it's a bit weird and I know nobody wants to talk about it, but basically all of my generation addicted to porn, and it's basically my generations version of smoking, and it's really causing a lot of problems for like, hundreds of millions of people. like... depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder, like just numbing people and everyone has a story about it. grandma: "oh yeah that's very true. I saw something on the news about it" you: yeah so we're basically printing out posters and things to give to people to help them free themselves. grandma: "ah okay I see. that sounds like a good idea. were you addicted to porn?" you: "so thankfully I cured myself since the average age is like 12 or even 8 nowadays. but the key thing it's not really like that people are either like 'normal porn users' or 'porn addicts' -- it's just that people who use porn are addicted to it because it's just addictive like we don't call people 'nicotineaholics'. nicotine is just ,addictive, so we call people who use it smokers. so too, porn 'addicts' and just porn users. and so yeah. we're starting a movement and trying to bring back love
Pro Hint: Your grandparents love you and would appreciate if you spent more time with them.
You can also do this at a print shop or a library, but in that case I ask that you also to call someone you care about and say hello
You can print the following things out and put them places in your local community.
but really, you be anyone and put these anywhere.
If you're religious, the tabs here list people you can contact and ask to signal boost a message.
hey, compiling these and could use your input -- feel free to dm me on discord at fraserpatterson